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Canada Immigration Rules


As the world looks upon America’s host of anti-immigration scandals and policies with dismay, some immigrants are looking elsewhere for an area to start out a replacement life.

That’s put Canada on the planet stage as an alternate place to hunt out the so-called American Dream as Canada has always been a rustic that welcomes immigrants.

Moreover, America’s recent approach to immigration has led more immigrants to show Canada as a viable alternative for the commencement of a new life.

Why choose Canada?

A beautiful place to live in

It cannot be denied that Canada has some epic scenery to enjoy. From British Columbia’s mountains to coastal views, to Montreal’shistoric buildings, the city just celebrated its 375th birthday and is looking pretty good for its age.

The landscape of the country still remains a major reason to immigrate to Canada. The country boasts many nationally protected parks, reserves, historical sites and hiking trails.

Moreover, from World renowned parks like Banff and Jasper in Alberta to Cape Breton in Nova Scotia, to Georgian Bay in Ontario, there is no shortage of natural wonders to enjoy from coast to coast. Speaking of coats, Canada also has more coastline than any other country in the World.

Thus, while Canada might not exactly be known for its warm weather beaches, there are many beautiful coastal sceneries to enjoy when the weather does heat up.

Further, if you are more of a city person, Canadian cities like Calgary and Toronto are regularly listed among the World’s cleanest cities.

Canada welcomes Immigrants and embraces Multiculturalism

Under the Prime minister, in the early 1970’s Canada officially adopted a policy to market multiculturism and ever since it’s been a key part of the Canadian identity.

For the best immigration consultants in Chandigarh for Canada, contact here. Canada has one of the very best immigration rates per capita among developed nations.

Canada has welcomes over 310,000 immigrants into the country in the year of 2018. 57% of these immigrants will arrive as skilled workers. The remainder is going to be refuges or join family already living in Canada.

The Country is additionally known for its mosaic approach to multiculturalism, where people form all cultures sleep in harmony making more and more people to immigrate to Canada.

In Canada over 30 ethnic communities exist with their harmony and peace. This is contrary to melting pot cultures where immigrants are expected to blend in and assimilate the norms of their new home.

Canada’s urban cities like Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver are extremely diverse and residential to several ethnic neighborhoods.

    1. One of the most inclusive countries in the world

Beyond being multicultural, Canada is understood for its diversity and inclusivity in other ways. In 2005, Canada became the 4th nation within the World to legalize couples and therefore, the first one outside of Europe.

A 2017 poll found that Canadians overtly support couples of same genders and life together.

Woman even have a robust voice in Canada. When Justin Trudeau was elected Prime Minister in 2015, he committed to a 50/50 representation between the genders.

Basic Women’s rights like voting, access to contraception and abortion are long- established and guarded.

Though there is still room for improvement in getting women into leadership roles in Canada, Canadian women have high workforce participation rate, with 82% of women between the ages of 25 and 54 opting to work.

For all your immigration needs, do contact PROVISA, best immigration consultants in Chandigarh for Canada

10th largest economy in the world

Canada punches above its population when it comes o the planet’s economy, in spite of having the 38th largest population in the World.

Canada has the 10th largest economy, with an output of 1.6 trillion or 48, 100$ per capita. In the year 2015, Canada overtook Russia to get to the top 10 spot.

Though Canada is well-known for its wealth of natural resources, Canada’s economy is really heavily service- oriented. With 7.9% of Canadians working in service sector.

Canada’s manufacturing and oil, petroleum industries have experiences small but steady annual growth over the last several years.

World-class education system

Canada is a country that spends more on education per capita that the other industrialized nation within the World. Canada’s named the foremost educated country within the World.

Canda’s K-12 public education system is considered one among the simplest in the World.

Canada is additionally home to a number of the World’s top universities with Mc Gill University, the university of Toronto, Mc Master and therefore the university of British Columbia ranking among the World’s top 100 institutions.

Furthermore, 54% of Canadians between the 25- 64 age group have a post- secondary degree and hence 10.8% have completed an apprenticeship or trades certificate.

In some provinces, the value of tuition is fully or partially covered for the low-income students. Another reason to immigrate to Canada.

The country’s tech industry is growing rapidly

The tech sector in Canada is growing at a fast pace. The tech sectors is Canada’s fastest growing industry, which sells goodies for Canada’s future. This has brought in need for tech professionals in the country adding yet another reason to immigrate to Canada.

Government support and investment in Canada’s tech industry is robust, as well with grants and other tools available to assist Canadian startups. The country is rapidly becoming a destination of choice for employees seeking skilled tech talent.

Toronto leads the pack, with big names like Google’s sidewalk labs, shopify, salesforce and Facebook fixing shop within the city. Moreover, Toronto gets tons of attention for its plentiful tech talent.

Other cities are also following the lead and now Montreal has established itself as an epicenter of innovation. With AI and game development and other s like innovation in cleantech gives cities like Calgary and Vancouver a great name.

Canadians enjoy access to Universal Healthcare

Canada’s universal healthcare system was adopted by the 1960’s. Under the program, every province or territory in Canada features a healthcare plan which provides all residents with reasonable access to medical services, without paying out of the pocket.

In 2017, Canada spent $6323 per person on healthcare alone consistent with the OECD. Despite spending about half what the US does per capita, the quality of healthcare in Canada is significantly higher.

Because of the reliable healthcare programs available to everyone within the country, Canada has one of the World’s highest anticipation rates.

Canada is extremely safe

Canada consistently ranks among the top 10 safest nations within the World on various polls and indexes. Another reason to immigrate to Canada.

The country has also ranked in the top 6th position within the Worldwide peace index. The index weighs a spread of things like homicide rates, militarization, political stability, ongoing conflicts, terrorism impact and so much more.

Canada is documented for strong regulation and a comparatively peaceful approach to foreign diplomacy. generally, the country’s crime rates are low and have declined significantly since their peak by the 1980’s.

Canada has a stable democratic political system

Although the country’s governments shift between various liberal and conservative parties counting on the political climate.

Generally, all of the Canada’s political parties have relatively centrist stances and hot button issue like wone’s rights, immigration and environmental concerns which are sometimes highly divisive than other democratic nations Canadians even have faith in and respect for the form of government and government bodies.

Though scandals break occasionally, they have a tendency to be fairly mild and there is little chance of widespread corruption.

Fraud or government distrust. Moreover, political campaigns are also short and cost-effective for taxpayers compared to other democratic nations. Even at a national level, political campaigns rarely last quite a couple of months.

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